The breakfast club

There is one golden food rule that, no matter how many other food trends come and go, remains irrefutable: eat breakfast. Not abiding by this one simple rule has been shown, in study after study and decade after decade, both to reduce focus and concentration as well as to increase your chances of weight gain. Lucky for me, I love breakfast.
The only person who champions breakfast more than me is my mother. Growing up mum was the ultimate enforcer of the ‘no one leaves the house without breaka’ rule. Memories of being chased around the room are now (obviously) a thing of the past, but memories of those childhood breakfasts she then forced down my throat are alive and well. There was the oatmeal into which she’d secretly break a raw egg so we also got our protein and stayed full longer (we didn’t know until years later of course), or the standby for when we were being real pains about it all: a banana, a slice of buttered toast and a glass of milk (with Hershey’s for me, plain for my sister). What I’m now eating in the morning might’ve changed, but I have her to thank for the fact that I always start my day with a meal.
Some like it savoury, and some like it sweet; for my part my dream breaka is coils of buttery smoked salmon, gently scrambled eggs, and an avocado with sourdough bread, but since I’m not a Kardashian, no-one’s feeding me that every day. Instead I make these smoothies or top gluten-free bread with hummus. The new rules are: quick (bonus points if I can assemble or prep the night before), and to include some sort of protein (all the better to tide you over til lunch). I’ve never been one for sweet breakfasts, so am, in general, baffled by things like French toast and doughnuts for breakfast (no, guy, yuck). Even if the rest of the day doesn’t go so well, I’m all about that golden hour in the when there is nothing but possibility of how the day might unfold, and, if I’m lucky, some scrambled eggs.
I’m aware that not everybody shares my enthusiasm for the day’s first meal, but if you’re willing, the three little food services listed below will make your mornings much sweeter. I’ve sampled all three this month just past and can unreservedly vouch for all.
For those who like it sweet: Fitzola (Delhi)
There is something for any time of day in the Fitzola pantry, but their offerings feel extra-right for the day’s early hours (or the afternoon’s worst). Their almond mylks are super on their own or poured over muesli (try the cacao or turmeric bottles for a little extra goodness), the superfood energy bites are dense little laddoos of dates, seeds, nuts and are a triple whammy of portable as well as gluten and dairy free, so a great option if you never seem to have enough time in the morning. For something a little bit more special, try their chia pudding. I’m not always a fan of the texture of soaked chia, finding it a little too glutinous for comfort, but Fitzola’s creamy breakfast jar manages to sidestep that particular landmine, and instead you’ll find a creamy almond milk pud that’s sweetened with raw honey and almond butter and then topped with omega-rich seeds, nuts, and pomegranate jewels. I saved the best for last though: the almond butter is unreal. I wish I could say I was dipping into it only at breakfast, but the truth is I am eating this cacao and honey laced butter straight out of the jar with a freaking spoon. If you, like me, lack the will power to not keep reaching back into the fridge for more, frankly I advise caution. I also think it’d be fantastic smeared atop brownies, but that is the subject of another post altogether. Their product line is still expanding (they also stock cold pressed juices, not made in house though), but everything out of this kitchen is made in small batches, and is as organic and fresh as possible. No nasties, no preservatives, and no more reason to skip breakfast.
Find them online or call or Whatsapp for orders. 91-88008-45121
For those who like cereal: Nandi’s homemade muesli (Nationwide)
Full disclosure: I don’t really like cereal. It stems from that don’t-like-sweet-stuff-for-breakfast thing, but I really fell in love with this homemade muesli, and not just for breakfast. Do yourself a favour and put down that boxed Kellogs stuff in favour of this no-nasties bowl. An uncooked mixture of nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruits, and spice, when topped with fruit, muesli is incredibly nutrient dense, full of fibre, protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and is (bonus) delicious. If I’m honest, I dipped into my jar much more often in the afternoon, but that doesn’t stop it from being a very quick and incredibly wholesome breaka. Almond, cashew, or hemp mylks will sub in nicely for the lactose-rich stuff, and if it’s cold out, slightly warm your milk of choice to room temperature. Garnish with your favourite fruit.
Find this muesli (and a wealth of recipes) on Nandi’s website. If you write to her, she can walk you through ordering some from her direct.
For those who don’t like it at all: Isha’s kombucha (Delhi)
To be clear, I don’t recommend skipping breakfast at all, but there are those of you who just aren’t fans, and at the very least you can knock back a shot of kombucha, a fermented tea that is, as a result of all that fermentation, filled with probiotics and amino acids that are super for helping your liver do all that it needs to do. You don’t even have to skip your morning cup of whatever, just drink this first if you can manage it. Me? I’ll drink it any time of day, but I think we’ve established that I am all about front-loading the day. Writer and yogini Isha Singh Sawhney makes these, fermented for 14 days or more, with organic, long leaf black tea and Sulphur-less sugar, and you can try it plain, or in her summer-ready flavours of pineapple and ginger, or mango and mint. Pick-up is from her place in Delhi’s Defence Colony.
Follow Isha on Instagram to see when she has a new batch that’s ready to go, and keep an eye on her feed for kefir, coming soon.