Essential smoothie: Chocolate shake

I love milkshakes. I mean I really freaking love milkshakes. Milkshakes, however, do not love me.
I’m lactose intolerant, which means that about a half hour after I drink one I am a little nauseous, a lot bloated, and wholly consumed by regret. Not fun. This is why I’m delighted to have found something that is super-close in taste to a regular shake but that also, unlike the regular stuff, actually makes me feel good after drinking it.
You will need
2 cups of either almond or cashew milk (I prefer cashew, it’s a little bit more sweet and creamy)
2 tablespoons of cacao powder
1 tablespoon of almond butter
A teeny dash of sea salt
Half a ripe avocado
1 frozen banana (frozen is essential to do away with that banana-ey taste)
A soaked date or a teaspoon of raw honey
Chuck everything in a blender, and blend (with ice if your nut milks aren’t cold). Drink / serve immediately.
Title image by Kartikeya Manan for The Tonic.